Juntos / Together
Un boletín bilingüe sobre los ministerios de la Iglesia Episcopal Dominicana / A bilingual newsletter about the ministries of the Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic
January | February | March | April | May | June/July | August |September | October | November | December
Other Publications
The Dominican Development Group published a monthly newsletter (Companion News), a quarterly bilingual magazine (Compañeros Dominicanos), and brochures and other miscellaneous publications. The DDG’s magazine, Compañeros Dominicanos, was formerly named the Joint CD Newsletter. Copies of the newsletter and the magazine are archived online at the links below. Other publications are linked below the magazine and newsletter.
Archived issues of Companion News
January 29 | February 28 | March 7 | April 30 | May 30 | June 30 | July 16 | August 22 | September 30 | October 29 | November 30 | December 30
January 23 | February 28 | March 28 | April 26 | May 29 | June 19 | July 31 | August 31 | September 27 | October 30 | November 29 | December 28
January 17 | February 28 | March 16 | March 30 | April 25 | May 30 | June 30 | July 25 | August 22 | September 27 October 27 | November 17 | December 28
January 11 | February 3 | March 11 | April 21 | May 16 | June 7 | July 13 | August 31 | September 30 | October 31 | November 30
March 9 | April 14 | May 14 | June 17 | July 15 | July 31 | August 18 | September 3 | October 13 | November 10 | December 10 | December 18 |
Archived issues of Compañeros Dominicanos
March 2019 | June 2019 | September 2019 | December 2019
March 2018 | June 2018 | September 2018 | December 2018
March 2017 | June 2017 | September 2017 | December 2017
January 2016 | May 2016 | September 2016 | December 2016
January 2015 | September 2015
May 2014 | October 2014
May 2013 | December 2013
January 2012 | April 2012 | November 2012
Archived issues of Joint CD Newsletter
April 2011 | August 2011
April 2010 | August 2010 | December 2010
Vacation Bible School Booklets for 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016
The Christian Education Committee of the Diocese of the Dominican Republic has created a Vacation Bible School booklet in Spanish for use in 2019. To access that booklet, click here. A companion text of the lectionary readings for these VBS lessons in both English and Spanish is here. Copies of the VBS lesson booklet are available for US$1.00 each by contacting Patricia Martin <drequipos@gmail.com>.
Older versions of this VBS publication are also still available.
2018 (Spanish, older children)
2018 (English, older children)
2018 (younger children)
The 2017 and 2016 VBS booklets are also available. For the 2017 booklet designed for younger children, click here. For the 2017 booklet designed for older children, click here. For the English text of the 2017 lessons, click here. For the 2016 booklet designed for younger children, click here. For the 2016 booklet designed for older children, click here.
The DDG is collecting sermons on the topic of mission work in the Diocese of the Dominican Republic. Suggested additions to this collection may be sent to the website editor at (communications@dominicandevelopmentgroup.org).
The Rev. Lonnie Lacy (January 21, 2018)
The Rev. Lonnie Lacy (March 4, 2018)
The Rev. Deacon Patricia Marks (July 8, 2018)
Church Histories
Emily Gibson, a longterm volunteer working in the Mission Team Support Office of the Diocese of the Dominican Republic, is working in collaboration with the DDG to compile brief histories of all of the churches in the Dominican Episcopal Church. These histories will be posted on this webpage as they are completed.
La Epifanía | San Pablo Apóstol | San Tito | Santa Cruz | Santa María la Virgen
Mission teams often use prayers in their daily devotions that are written for their specific work locations and types of activities. A collection of these prayers is available below.
A prayer from the island of Hispaniola | A table blessing from Bishop Holguín | A prayer booklet from Rhode Island missioners | A prayer booklet from Georgia missioners | A prayer sheet from Rhode Island missioners | The Lord’s Prayer in Spanish |
The Dominican Development Group is collaborating with the Communications Committee of the Diocese of the Dominican Republic to post an interactive map of the Episcopal churches, schools, and other institutions in the Dominican Republic. All of the locations are not plotted yet, but new ones are being added weekly. The locations will feature exact GPS coordinates and photographs. To access this map, click here.
Fact Sheets
One-page fact sheet about the DDG (last updated October 29, 2017)
Clergy and Staff Directory of the Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic
2018 Directory (updated April 2018)
Hurricane Sandy (November 2012)
AIDS (December 2010)
Haiti (April 2010)
Brochures and Flyers
Endowment Fund for the Diocese of the Dominican Republic
Scholarship Program for Dominican Episcopal Schools
2014 Mission Project for the Venice Deanery (Diocese of Southwest Florida)
2014 Mission Project for the Tampa Deanery (Diocese of Southwest Florida)
Hurricane Sandy (November 2012)
Team Commissioning Documents
Nebraska (May 2014)
Tampa Deanery, Southwest Florida (May 2014)
Tampa Deanery, Southwest Florida (May 2013)
Tampa Deanery, Southwest Florida (May 2012)
Tampa Deanery, Southwest Florida (May 2011)
Tampa Deanery, Southwest Florida (April 2010)
Travel Forms
Other Publications
November 2013: Why Go on a Mission Trip?
June 2015: Helpful Hints for Mission Teams
June 2013: Bishop Isaac’s history of the Dominican Episcopal Church (Spanish) (English)
April 2013: Bishop Holguin’s Review of the Dominican Episcopal Church’s History and Current Programs
June 2012: Iglesia Episcopal Dominicana – The Same Episcopal Church, Two Different Cultures